Our Story

Traditional Shirts Lacked Thoughtful Design

Over a lifetime of buying white cotton oxford shirts, I saw unlimited stylish choices, but nothing that actually checked all of my wish list boxes. But I bought many of them anyway. 

So, after a long career filled with business meetings, presentations, and achieving sales quotas, my desire to find a shirt that could check all of my boxes, became a challenge I couldn't ignore. 

I wanted a classically tailored shirt that was mid-thigh length, smooth seams for a finished look and designed so it wouldn't hug my bust, middle or rear.

What began as a search for what I considered to be a well-made shirt with the finest fabric, slowly turned into a passion project with the singluar focus of designing a shirt that was missing the details I longed for. I was always making improvements to my own off-the-rack garments and I was a stickler for detail. 

Designing Something New

I decided I would create a line that would be a staple of every woman's wardrbe -- a versatile collection, that would pay attention to the subtle nuances of a woman's silhouette and eliminate the all-too-familiar hugging and tugging of a woman's natural curves. 

After 2 years of interviewing women about their "perfect white shirt," the overhwleming feedback was there was something missing when it came to traditional shirtwear. Women were enthusiastic about an easy care shirt line with minimalist styling and familiar tailored classic lines. They stressed natural fibers over flashy synthetics. You would think that this uncomplicated combination would be easy to find. It's not - just ask women looking for white shirts, which is why my line will set us apart in a crowded field of white cotton oxford shirts. 

I took classes in textiles and texile finishing, consulted with established designers, worked hand-in-hand with patternmakers, shirt manufacturers, and with experts in the industry and gradually brought my concepts to life. 

What Makes Our Design Special

After several years of prototyping numerous designs and perfecting the fit, we developed our A-Peze design.  It's a minimalist, yet never boring, collection of women's easy-care tailored white cotton oxford, classically-styled shirts - all of which are below hip length. 

Our A-Peze design is an extremely comfortable fit without being boxy.  It's not as form-fitting as waist-hugging A-line designs and has more form and structue than the tent-like Trapeze designs.

We went with classic lines, modern silhouttes and functional elements like 2-button adjustable cuffs and shank-wrapped buttons for easier buttoning and unbutting.

Your feedback is important to the development of HWS designs, so I'd love to hear how you feel when you button-up this easy-to-wear classically styled shirt!

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